About Wing Chun

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Wing (Eternal) Chun (Spring) Kuen (The Way of)
Kuen by itself can also mean “The Way of the Arrow Fist”

Wing Chun is a soft style. Soft does not mean weak, simply that it does not counter force with force but instead recycles energy and employs a sophisticated method of response with reflexes as opposed to thought.

Wing Chun application is principal based not memory based.

Wing Chun is Philosophy in Action. Wing Chun grew out of the Taoist tradition in eastern thinking.  In Chinese philosophy, "Tao" means "the Way."  It signifies life's eternal movement of growing, blooming, fading away, and never-ending renewal.  To achieve unity with the Tao, one must become as the Tao itself:  spontaneous, open, simple, and flexible, not strong and hard, not mighty and arrogant.

SIfu Bernd Wagner

Whether using Wing Chun in self-defense or applying its principles in everyday life, one can become like a river flowing to the sea.  Even if a mountain obstructs the river's flow, it will not be stopped.  It will reach its goal naturally, unavoidably, overcoming all obstacles in the way. To learn the instinctive use of your body in emergency self defense situations from books is impossible.  Nor could one describe in words, no matter how eloquently put, how students of Wing Chun perceive their encounter with such principally new experiences.  Practice under the attentive supervision of an experienced Wing Chun instructor will soon provide concrete ideas of what is actually achievable.

What is Wing Chun? It is self defense in its most uncompromising form.

Wing Chun skills are built on the already present potential of a student.  Muscle power and conditioning are not prerequisites for Wing Chun training.  Instead a readiness to "listen" to one's body, to know one's strengths and to use them rigorously if required. Learning to move and respond naturally in a well-coordinated, healthy manner, and to sharpen one's powers of perception are central to the training of Wing Chun. Men and women who learn Wing Chun develop a fresh, new awareness of their body and a heightened sense of confidence in all situations.  This confidence, born of knowing what one is capable of, is acquired through intensive, regular practice and professional instruction. This newly acquired confidence and self awareness leads to an increased sense of well being on all levels.  Former personal limitations no longer restrict our everyday life.  Life becomes fuller, more satisfying.  Students of Wing Chun no longer feel like victims, and just by that alone their likelihood of ending up in dangerous situations decreases dramatically.
Should they find themselves in a threatening situation anyway, Wing Chun students command a highly effective, weaponless method for defending themselves and loved ones.  Wing Chun absorbs an attacker's energy, adds it to the defender's own power, and directs it with increased ferocity back against the attacker.
Wing Chun is a method for inner growth and a Way to a carefree, relaxed, and healthy life.


Wing Chun is personal advancement, period.  Wing Chun students can be taught in groups, yet guided individually.  The individual's existing strengths are improved and consolidated.
Private lessons are also offered to supplement and enhance the student's progression.
Wing Chun instructors impart their knowledge in a relaxed and collegial atmosphere.
All of our Wing Chun classes throughout the world have a uniform standard with a quality control system in place. Initially our programs address situations one might encounter on the street including all manner of kicks and punches, grappling, locks, chokes, and more. Then they address Wing Chun itself.
Kung Fu Tao Wing Chun classes are 90 minutes long employing a well rounded, full spectrum from warm up through work out to cool down.

Wing Chun is non-violent. Wing Chun instructors are against any aggressive form of violence.  Wing Chun is pure self defense.

Wing Chun Theory

At the center of Wing Chun training stands a unique and variable technique that must be learned through concentrated practice and conscious, purposeful engagement with a partner. Fluent motions and sudden explosive speed flow together in a systematic, coordinated, yet spontaneous sequence of movements, merging body and mind into a new powerful unit. The systematic study of Wing Chun heightens physical and mental flexibility and improves awareness of self and the environment. The basic training process can be complemented with specific techniques for relaxation and concentration, as well as with special breathing techniques for "refueling" the body.
One who learns Wing Chun learns to know oneself. Wing Chun never attacks - it is aggressive only in defense.
